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폭스바겐 전기 자전거

chamsesang21 2010. 7. 25. 21:31

폭스바겐 전기 자전거

폭스바겐은 배터리로 구동되며 자동차의 스페어 타이어 저장소에 들어갈 수 있는 자전거 bik.e를 발표하였다. 페달이 없으며 20Km 속도로 20Kn를 갈 수 있다. 자동차의 부속물로써의 개념으로 자동차의 전원이나 일반 플러그에 연결 충전한다.


volkswagen bik.e

image: volkswagen

earlier this year, volkswagen unveiled a small battery powered electric bike that is designed to fit into the
spare tire compartment of a car. known as the bik.e, this vehicle was first debuted at auto china 2010 and
folds into a compact circle ideal for storing away. the bike has no pedals and travels a distance of 20km
with a top speed of 20 km/h. rather than a daily commuting vehicle, volkswagen envisions the bik.e as
a supplement to a car, helping users get to their destination. the bike fits neatly into the spare tire space
in a car and can even be charged in this position by the car’s DC current, in addition to a regular plug.


get your own creative juices flowing for designboom’s seoul cycle design competition!
consisting of three categories: cycle design, cycle infrastructure and cycle fashion
and accessory design, the competition is free to enter. 

the registration deadline is july 5, 2010.
learn more about the competition here.

image: volkswagen

image: volkswagen